Global Health Europe’s response to the EU’s consultation on the Green Paper on the Future of EU Budget Support to third countries reflects our central concern with aspects of health and its governance in the interests of the people of the European Union, our neighbours and global citizens. Global Health Europe invites you to register and […]
Author: Global Health Europe
Last week the Permanent Missions to the UN in Geneva of India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) held a seminar to explore the current challenges and long-term solutions to the issue of falsified and substandard medicines. Whatever you call them, (and the overlooked nuances between definitions is partly the problem), the issue of “counterfeit”, falsified, […]
The second paper in the Global Health Europe Research Series was launched today at the European Health Forum Gastein. The paper “The impact of global processes on health systems in Europe” was written by Dr. Göran Tomson, Professor of International Health Sytems Research at the Division of Global Health (IHCAR) at the Karolinska Institutet in […]
On 16 August 2010, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took time out of her busy schedule to speak about the Obama administration’s Global Health Initiative (GHI) to faculty and students at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). With so many crises in the world, what was a Secretary of State doing […]
In her blog article “Rethinking the mission of medical schools”, Jemma Weymouth summarizes a recent debate which asks whether US medical schools are producing the health workforce that America needs. The recent study that sparked this debate did so by ranking US medical schools in an innovative and highly provocative way: on the extent to which they accomplish […]
Following the ‘Europe 2020’ paper adopted by the European Commission on 3 March 2010, the European Commission DG TRADE launched a broad public consultation on the future direction of EU trade policy. The Commission’s intention is to set out its policy during autumn 2010, explaining how trade policy can help achieve the objectives of the ‘Europe 2020’ […]
Global Health Europe has prepared the below response to the EU Stakeholder Consultation on Strengthening European Union Preparedness on Pandemic Influenza. Responses must be submited to the European Commission by 23 July 2010. We are making our response available here first where registered viewers can send us their comments. Alternatively email your comments and suggestions […]
For those who expected that the baton would be passed from G8 to G20, that wider engagement of middle income countries would herald a human rights based approach to health and development and that global governance would be transformed, this Chatham House meeting brought a useful dose of realism. G8 will remain an important focus […]
Despite rumours to the contrary, last week’s G8 meeting in Muskoka, Canada confirmed to the world that this highly influential club of powerful countries plus the EU has no intention of being phased out in the near future. While their influence on global economic affairs has been eclipsed by the G20, the G8 will remain […]
In a presentation delivered at the June 2010 “Global Health: Together we can make it” conference in Brussels, Professor Ilona Kickbusch, Director of the Global Health Programme at the Graduate Institute, Geneva and Chair of the Global Health Europe Task Force, summarized the key challenges that have to be tackled in order to improve global […]