
Global public-private partnerships (GPPPs, PPPs)

A growing number of highly diverse new organizations, networks and alliances focusing on discrete and measurable areas of action have superseded the simple division of delivery mechanisms between bilateral and multilateral health agencies. An increasing number of public-private partnerships (PPPs) are engaged in reducing the disease burden in the poorest countries. There are about 80 […]


European broad-based intergovernmental institutions

The World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe: The WHO Regional Office for Europe supports the 53 member states in the WHO European region in developing national policies and programmes for health and in contributing to global health improvement. Representatives of each member state meet in the WHO Regional Committee for Europe to develop regional […]


The European Union

The European Union has evolved to become a key global health actor. This section provides and overview of its constitutional framework and its central institutions including the Council of Ministers, the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, The European Council, the EU Member State Permanent Representations, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European External Action Service. The Council of Ministers: […]


Civil society and global health

The term ‘civil society’ broadly refers to social relationships and organizations outside either state (government) functions, or market-based relations that define people simply as ‘consumers’ rather than more collectively, for example, as citizens, neighbours or colleagues. Civil society organizations constitute a broad grouping that incorporates formally organized non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including faith-based charities, health NGOs, philanthropic foundations, and academic […]


United Nations Organizations

The United Nations is an international organization, which was founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. The UN now has 192 member states. The central UN bodies (General Assembly, […]


Nation states as global health actors

Nation states play a central role in global governance for health. Their main role includes governance of their own health and care services, health protection, research and monitoring, and the management of the national and global impact of their policy actions. It is increasingly being realized that good governance of health necessarily requires attention to […]


Developing countries

In the 1950s and 1960s, the world could be divided, on the one hand, into a small group of rich ‘developed’ countries with functioning social welfare systems, small families and good health outcomes and a larger group of ‘developing’ countries with low incomes, poor education and health services, high birth rates, poor health and low […]


Organizations for cooperation between countries

Over the past 20 years, organizations and networks among groups of countries have played an important role in global diplomacy. They are now increasingly important in establishing the context for policy on global issues including international financial stability and global health. Broadly speaking, these collectives can be identified as those supporting cooperation amongst industrialized countries, […]


Global governance

Governance describes how societies structure policy responses to the challenges they face. Governance involves government, but the two terms are not synonymous because governance often occurs outside the formal state-based institutional and legal arrangements that characterize governments. Thus, within nation states, regional and local government, and civil society and business institutions are recognized as playing […]