
Action and research on global governance for health and European institutions

The European Union is clearly becoming a central actor in global health, but its role is still emerging and changing with the possible ratification of the Lisbon Treaty and in response to the European health strategy. For this reason it is timely to examine:

  • The global health role of the European Union, the impacts of the Barroso Commission and the potential opportunities for global health raised by the Lisbon Treaty, leading to a policy brief for the new European Commission.
  • The potential roles of the Presidency, Council of Ministers, Commission and Parliament in taking forward the European agenda for global health.
  • How other actors including aid recipient countries, international agencies, non EU European states, view the role of “Europe” in global health governance.

The number of academic, business and civil society organisations engaged in action and debate on global health issues is growing rapidly. This glossary has only started to note some of those most directly involved. It would be helpful to conduct a more extensive survey of such actors to understand their perspectives and roles and to find the best way in which they can work together with European and international agencies to promote comprehensive coherent action on global health issues.