
High blood sugar can reduce vision loss in older adults

As we age, our vision changes and because of this it can be more susceptible for developing age-related eye conditions. However people shouldn’t assume that they will eventually lose their eyesight as a result; most times these problems are preventable or treatable rather then inevitable like some might think.

Healthy aging should be a priority as the population around us ages. One aspect of healthy aging that is especially important to consider when it comes time for your parents or grandparents’ generation (the fastest-growing segment) lives out their later years in America today—and many live well into double digit decades beyond what was once imaginable just decade ago! This means they’ll need lots more from themselves on all levels: physical ability; mental cognition including memory function & decision making skillsets – but one thing above everything else? Vision loss because without seeing properly how can we ensure independence at any level?

23% of vision loss occurs among people aged 49 an younger.

46% of vision loss occurs among people aged 50 and older.

31% of vision loss occurs among people aged 70 and older.

Vision loss is a major worldwide issue that affects many people. It can occur for several reasons, including the lack of available treatment options and developing into severe conditions when left untreated or poorly managed by doctors . By 2050 there will be about 179 million more with moderate-to mild vision impairment—a 61% increase!

Blood Sugar is Important

To protect your eyes, it is important to be aware of and address high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). High-sugar levels affect people with pre diabetes or diabetes; chronic highs can lead over time for problems within the tiny vessels in one’s eye as well as optic nerve damage which could result either blindness if left untreated. There are two major diseases that arise from having too much glucose rushing through–glaucoma & Cataracts.

Glaucoma and cataracts are two of the most common causes for years lived with disability (YLDs). The IHME creates metrics on how high blood sugar impacts these disabilities, which in 2019 was 9% due to glaucomatous optic nerve damage while 10%, respectively came from Cataract-related blindness. With this information we can see that over 74000 people lost their sight because they didn’t take care or treat an eye condition early enough.